Public database not useful for corporate transparency: Rotfleisch
$1.7M award for B.C. couple after malicious prosecution by CRA
Upcoming changes make CRA’s VDP less attractive to taxpayers
Changes to tax reform proposals not beneficial to lawyers
CRA to obtain PayPal information not yet an enforcement action
Profit on sale of bitcoins reportable to CRA
What Our Clients Say
I’ve used Rotfleisch & Samulovitch for complex tax planning matters over the past few years. I’ve found them to be extremely knowledgeable, professional & effective, and would highly recommend them especially for entrepreneurs and their companies. R&S’ legal tax knowledge are a solid complement to the expertise of a quality accountant.
Mark BarnicuttToronto, Tel Aviv

Pro Tip
Act seriously and respectfully
Court is not the forum for speaking out of turn, laughing uncontrollably, or using slang terms or complex jargon.